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Evaluation of a fixed-dose combination of butorphanol-azaperone-medetomidine (BAM) for chemical immobilisation of African lion, blesbok, and cheetah : a thesis for applying for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Veterinary Sciences = Butorfanooli-as...
Author: Aleksandr Semjonov, Eesti Maaülikool. Veterinaarmeditsiini ja loomakasvatuse instituut, Supervisor: Vladimir Andrianov
Roadmap for societal engagement for higher education institutionsVictoria Ateca-Amestoy, Anne Äyväri, Anne Eskelinen, Tanja Johansson, Annukka Jyrämä, Riikka Kanervo, Alar Kein, Kaari Kiitsak-Prikk, Beatriz Plaza, Tiina Pusa, Anna Maria Ranczakowska, Sari Sarlio-Siintola, Marge Sassi, Violeta Simjanovska, Carmen Tasser