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Eesti keelt rootsiaegsete kohtute protokollidest : avec un résumé: La langue estonienne dans les procès-verbaux des tribunaux à l'époque suèdoise (Eesti Keele Arhiivi toimetised =|aPublications des Archives de la Langue Estonienne ; 6)
Report [of the] international seminar "Minorities and majorities in Es...Vadim Polištšuk, Aleksei Semjonov, Inimõiguste Teabekeskus, European Centre for Minority Issues, Norsk senter for menneskerettigheter, international seminar Minorities and majorities in Estonia: problems of integration at the threshold of the EU
Agronomy Research ; 2 vol. 12 (2014)Eesti Maaülikool, Eesti Maaviljeluse Instituut, Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture, Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture, Lithuanian University of Agriculture, Latvia University of Agriculture