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Sebastiani Schmidii, ... praesidis Sabbathum deuteroproton, sive exercitatio theologica de Christi cum Pharisaeis. Disputatione supedeuteroproto ad Luc. VI, v. 1. seqq. in lucem, ut amicorum desideriis satisfieret, edita
Author: Sebastian Schmidt, Typographer: Joh. Georg Lippert, Christophor Gunther
Technical data
Impensis Joh. Georgii Lippert, Typis Christophori Guntheri
Health in the Baltic countries ; 2006Tervise Arengu Instituut, Eesti Meditsiinistatistika Büroo, Eesti. Sotsiaalministeerium.Statistika- ja analüüsi osakond, Centre for Disease Prevention and Control of Latvia, Lithuanian Health Information Centre