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Der Stadt Reval Kauff-Hauses-Ordnung und Taxa. ... Datum Reval den 22. Novembr. Anno 1670. Majorem in fidem subscripsi Andreas Alberti, Civit. Reval. Secret. Nach dem Exemplar Anno 1679. gedruckt bey Jacob Johann Köhler, Kayserl. Stadt- und Gymnas. B...
Typographer: Jacob Johann Köhler, Author: Andreas Alberti, Revaler Rat
Public debt, population ageing and medium-term growth ; (Occasional pa...Alistair Dieppe, Paolo Guarda, Maria Albani, Alberto González Pandiella, Esther Gordo, Owen Grech, Delphine Irac, Juha Kilponen, Luca Marchiori, Ricardo Mourinho Félix, Niki Papadopoulou, Lisa Rodano, Dimitris Sideris, Edgar Vogel, Dmitry Kulikov, Eesti Pank
Agronomy Research ; 2 vol. 12 (2014)Eesti Maaülikool, Eesti Maaviljeluse Instituut, Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture, Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture, Lithuanian University of Agriculture, Latvia University of Agriculture