Available at the authorised workplace in the National Library of Estonia, Archival Library of the Estonian Literary Museum, Tallinn University of Technology Library, University of Tartu Library and Academic Library of Tallinn University
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Parandused ja täiendused 1. jaanuarist 1930 kuni 1. jaanuarini 1931 Eesti laevade registri 1930 väljaande kohta = Corrections and additions from 1st January 1930 to the 1st January 1931 to the Register of Estonian Shipping for 1930
Eesti. Mereasjanduse Peavalitsus, Eesti. Veeteede Valitsus
Report [of the] international seminar "Minorities and majorities in Es...Vadim Polištšuk, Aleksei Semjonov, Inimõiguste Teabekeskus, European Centre for Minority Issues, Norsk senter for menneskerettigheter, international seminar Minorities and majorities in Estonia: problems of integration at the threshold of the EU